Always Be Ace

Not Your Everyday Ordinary Run-of-the-Mill Soccer Program

What makes Delta Soccer different than any other community club or private soccer program? It is our commitment to actionable standards for the players. We aim to ensure participants have fun. However, we also guarantee structure that will promote learning as well as character development. That's just not something you find in your typical soccer program. 

Our standards are summarised in one word - ACE - and that is an acronym that stands for:

A - Attitude (have a good one)

C - Concentration (pay attention)

E - Effort (try your hardest)

Starting with the 6-year-olds, these standards are reviewed and reinforced every session. We're not asking that every participant be a superstar soccer player. Instead ACE means doing the best you can with the tools you have available to you at the time. These standards are actionable in that participants will not only be asked to meet the standards but then will be challenged to push beyond them. That's not only ACE, that's just common sense and something kids should be getting in all their organised sport programs.

Meet Delta Soccer's ACEs


Atiba's greatest strength is his always positive attitude and his ability to turn obstacles into opportunities


Cobie is an expert at concentrating and always finds the most important thing for which to pay attention


There is no other player who can match Efkai when it comes to giving 110% and trying their hardest