About Us

The Delta Soccer Experience

Located in Prince Edward Island, Canada, Delta Soccer exists to provide high quality off season soccer programming to Charlottetown and surrounding areas.

In math, delta simply represents the difference, or change, in a certain quantity. The delta in Delta Soccer represents the change participants can experience in either their soccer skills, development of character or both.  Weaved into our soccer sessions are lessons in 

Empathy and gratitude

Enjoyment and excellence 

Respect and Responsibility 

Our goal is to bring the best out of our participants as both players and as people.

Experience the difference. Experience a Delta Soccer program today.

The Delta Soccer Philosophy & Culture

Delta Soccer Philosophy & Culture

The Delta Soccer Staff

Joel MacDonald

Program Director & Coach

Coach Joel has been actively coaching soccer for more than 30 years now. Like most other coaches, he started as a volunteer eventually having the good fortune to work professionally and make a living from coaching - a dream come true for him. Joel has experience coaching players of all ages and abilities but considers the grassroots level (ages 4 to 11) to be his speciality. He also loves coaching coaches and enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with others. Passionate about learning and a student of the game, Joel has earned numerous soccer-specific and coaching-generic certifications as well as completing his post secondary education in teacher training, sports coaching and athlete development.